Green Buildings and Sustainable Assesment
Green buildings and sustainability analysis
Sustainable design, construction and use of facilities are based on the environment effects assessment, social aspects which include health and wellbeing of building users, comfort and other social benefits, as well as economic aspects and whole life costs of a building.
The concept of sustainability and sustainable development always contains all three listed components, and the very definition of sustainable development is linked with the often quoted Brundtland report that Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (WCDE, 1987).
It is important to emphasize that people spend 90% of their time in buildings. Therefore, everything that affects the built environment (buildings, space between buildings and infrastructure) has a major influence on the extraction of natural resources, but also affects the health and productivity of the people who live in these buildings.
Some of the principles and elements in design and building of sustainable construction projects:
a) intelligent use of energy,
b) preservation of water resources,
c) use of sustainable materials and resources,
d) reduced waste generation and reuse, the so called “from cradle to cradle” principle,
e) user health and well being,
f) financial aspects of sustainability (whole life costs/value for money).
When speaking of the whole life costs (WLC), it should be mentioned that the building life cycle begins in the early stage of planning and design, construction, building management (which includes maintenance and use of building and re-use for any other purpose), as well as the removal at the end of life cycle when the existing building becomes a source of raw materials for new construction with the “cradle to cradle principle”.
Sustainability assessment in construction projects
The purpose of sustainability assessment is to collect and report on information for decision-making during the various stages of construction, design and use of building.
Construction sector and real estate sector sustainability indicators provide information on the effects of industry as a whole, and on the impacts of construction and other built assets. There are different indicator approaches due to differences between societies, industrial tradition, the environment, and geography.
Sustainability indicators in construction projects can be chosen from a variety of listings prepared at the government, sector and community level.
Sustainability results or profiles, based on the indicators, are the result of a process in which the relevant occurrences are identified, analyzed and evaluated. Two extreme trends can currently be identified: on the one hand, the complexity and diversity of indicators of different operators, and on the other hand, evolution towards better usability through common understanding and simplicity.
The following objectives can be found in a number of sustainable construction evaluation methods:
- Construction site potential optimization,
- Regional and cultural identity preservation,
- Energy consumption reduction,
- Water resources protection and preservation,
- Use of environmentally friendly materials and products,
- Healthy and optimal climate in indoor areas,
- Optimized operating and maintenance practice,
- Comfort,
- Whole life costs.