EU projects
PPP Centar participates in the preparation of projects financed by the European Commission (IEE, LLP-LDV, FP7), and in the advisory area to create documentation for applying for EU funds (project management, analysis, feasibility study, training).
Suggestions of the EU (EPEC) are that the EU funds (European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund) are combined with private capital and the use of the PPP model in the majority of cases (structural and cohesion funds).
(COM 2009, 615; 19 November 2009: Communication explaining the European Commission’s objective of promoting private sector participation in the field of infrastructure and research via PPPs.; Guidelines for Successful Public-Private Partnerships,European Commission, Directorate General Regional Policy (March 2003), Part 4 (pages 63-72) discusses the integration of grant financing with PPPs. Combining EU Grant Funding with PPP for Infrastructure Guidelines for the Use of DBO to Procure Infrastructure Projects Using EU Structural Funds., JASPERS (December 2010).
See more details at
On the website of the Agency for Investment and Competitiveness/Division of PPP is the manual: “The combinationof public-private partnership with the EU funds“, May 2013.
Areas of interest
Public private partnership, sustainable development, green building, life-cycle costs and energy efficiency are just some of the popular global construction concepts.
Therefore, in the future (the implementation of the Directive into the legislation of EU member states) all products have to be beside the basic technical characteristics evaluated through the possibility of recycling, treatment of the environment in all stages of use (emissions of gases into the air, water or soil), the predicted lifetime and other information. Thus, new information imposed by this directive will help all participants deliver better and more appropriate decisions when choosing equipment and materials in the design stage.
Awarded projects
Project: EU-LLP-LdV (Transfer of Innovation)
Title: Whole Life Management of Sustainable Construction
Year: 2012-2014
Role: Partners (leading 2 WP)
A short summary of the project:
The project was focused on the management of sustainable building for the total life cycle of buildings – taking into account the project since its beginning, during the design, construction, use and ultimately the removal and disposal.
For the purposes of the project, a model training was developed on topics which were divided into several modules, offering participants a greater level of knowledge. Each module has a core philosophy of sustainability that fully takes into account the cycle of the project during the entire life cycle, as well as its three dimensions – environmental,social and economic. To ensure the longevity of the program, project partners have trained 27 experts who furtherspecifically trained more than 500 participants in each partner country which ultimately resulted with a number ofworkshops. Participants showed obvious improvement in knowledge in sustainable build environment, and their knowledge increased up to 50% on average.
Materials for teaching that developed throughout the project will be available through partner organizations, andmore information can be found on the project website: